Feel the Discomfort?

Ever heard the expression ‘Where there is the most resistance, there is the greatest need for change’ … and how does that resonate with you?

I thought so.  However advanced we are on the long, hard road to enlightenment, we will inevitably bump up against that stubborn streak of resistance inside us, like a naughty child, that says, “No, not doing it.  Don’t want to.  Why should I?  Shan’t!  So there!”  


Feel the discomfort?  Yup.  That’s there for a reason - it’s saying “Listen to your inner voice”. 

Like a sleek new automobile, we come fully loaded with a sophisticated guidance system that’s unerringly accurate in knowing what’s good for us … and what isn’t.  You notice I used the verb ‘knowing’ there, rather than ‘guessing’?  It’s because we all have a ‘knowingness’ inside us, which we can tap into to a greater or lesser degree, dependent on how familiar we are with connecting to it.

Some people are born with a highly developed sixth sense, or psychic ability, while others have to work at it.  But, to whatever degree you are able to sense, see, hear or ‘know’ things, your internal system is still there.  Developing it through the regular practice of meditation, music, movement or prayer exponentially increases your ease of contact with your brilliant inner radar.

So, the discomfort that naturally accompanies our resistance to change is how we know when something isn’t right.  If the feedback from your gut isn’t a delicious YES … it’s a NO.

Here’s the thing.  When you feel the resistance, don’t push it down - stay with it and, as you rest there, it will gradually disperse and melt away.  Then feel into yourself and start to familiarise yourself with the idea of change.  Take your time - no need for hasty moves - just FEEL and explore - and see what slowly evolves.  

Sitting for guidance helps immensely.  Sit with a straight back, feet on the floor, hands comfortably resting on your thighs;  close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly and deeply three times.  Sit quietly for a few minutes, before taking three more deep breaths and opening your eyes.  Now write down whatever comes.  Don’t read it till you’ve finished writing.  What you see will surprise you …

With love and light, Michele x